Hive ==== `Hive `_ is a distributed SQL database that runs on a `Hadoop `_ cluster. White Hive enables you to run highly scalable queries against massive data sets, Hive provides much the same interface as a conventional SQL database. Exploring data in Hive ---------------------- If you're using Hive, it's likely that your Hadoop cluster also has `Hue `_ installed. Hue is a graphical interface for exploring data and tables in Hive, among other things. It's a good place to start to find out what data is available in your cluster and to start developing queries. Get the web address and login credentials from your Hadoop cluster administrator, and open the Hive Query Editor to start exploring tables and testing queries: .. thumbnail:: images/hue_hive.png Once you want to start bringing data out of the cluster and into Faculty to do some deeper analysis, follow the instructions below to pull the results of queries into a notebook with Python. Connecting to Hive from Python ------------------------------ To connect to Hive, you need to know: - its `hostname`: this is usually a string like ````; - its `port`: the default port for Hive is 10000; - the name of the database that you want to connect to. If this is a new Hive instance, the only database on it is likely to be named ``default``; - the username to run queries as on Hive. You can find this from your database administrator. To connect to Hive from Python, we recommend using the Python module `PyHive `_. Install it on a Faculty server with: .. code-block:: bash $ conda install pyhive --channel anaconda .. note:: We recommend installing PyHive from the 'anaconda' conda channel rather from pip or the standard conda repositories to ensure you get all the required dependencies. You can then connect to Hive with: .. code-block:: python from pyhive import hive connection = hive.connect( host='', # host on which the database is running database='database_name', # name of the database to connect to username='username' # username to run queries as ) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM customers') customers = list(cursor.fetchall()) print('We have {} customers'.format(len(customers))) # This is data science! connection.close() .. note:: We close the connection to allow the database server to reclaim resources. This can be critical in a Jupyter notebook, since the kernel remains alive for a long time. The Hive connection object can also be used with ``contextlib.closing`` in a ``with`` statement to ensure it gets closed automatically: .. code-block:: python from contextlib import closing from pyhive import hive connection = hive.connect( host='', database='database_name', username='username' ) with closing(connection): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM customers') customers = list(cursor.fetchall()) print('We have {} customers'.format(len(customers))) You can also use the ``read_sql()`` function in pandas to read the result of a query directly into a DataFrame: .. code-block:: python from contextlib import closing from pyhive import hive import pandas connection = hive.connect( host='', database='database_name', username='username' ) with closing(connection): df = pandas.read_sql('SELECT * FROM customers', connection) print(df)